When it comes to Content Management System (CMS) WordPress is the most widely used content management system, it is one of the best content management system.
Do you know what makes it perfect?
There are several reasons that make it perfect.
1. User Management

On the off chance that you’ve at any point trudged through hand-coding a site or worked with a pointlessly mind-boggling CMS, you’ll be satisfied with WordPress’ simple expectation to absorb information and association. You can switch subjects in less than ten seconds, utilize speedy alter choices to embed a label you overlooked without re-opening your article, make a post sticky, or connection to an existing substance from a drop-down menu. At the point when time is cash, WordPress is your monetary counsel. When you’re hoping to redistribute your website composition needs to a tech organization you can likewise sit back and relax that upkeep won’t drench up an enormous piece of your financial limit.

From lightweight systems to exquisite powerhouses, free and paid themes proliferate, made by easygoing coders and expert planners alike. Regardless of whether you need a topic intended for burden time, appearance, or highlights, at that point WordPress has it.
To put it plainly, WordPress is a client molded substance the board framework with massive imaginative and handy potential. A sensibly gifted client can construct a site with social sharing, SEO, web-based business, maps, new post types, and custom website structures in only a couple of hours.
3. Easy To Use Interface

In the event that you’ve at any point trudged through hand-coding a site or worked with a superfluously mind-boggling CMS, you’ll be satisfied with WordPress’ simple expectation to absorb information and association. You can switch topics in less than ten seconds, utilize brisk alter choices to embed a label you overlooked without re-opening your article, make a post sticky, or connection to an existing substance from a drop-down menu. At the point when time is cash, WordPress is your money related consultant. When you’re hoping to redistribute your website composition needs to a tech organization you can likewise breathe a sigh of relief that upkeep won’t douse up an enormous piece of your spending limit.
4. Plugins Usage

Do you have to sell your timeshare? Maybe you need to rundown and channel your substance, so occupations naturally appear on one page and blog entries on another. It is safe to say that you are building a compelling and unpretentious SEO interface for your bloggers? Is it true that you are entrusted with arranging and posting occasions, or maybe selling grouped promotion space? WordPress is home to numerous masterwork modules, for example, Contact Form 7, List By Post, All In One SEO Pack, WP Backup, and Advanced Custom Fields.

One energizing alternative as of late acquainted is the capacity to host numerous WordPress locales on a similar establishment. This component enables you to make a webpage for every one of your business operators or agents without buying additional sites or facilitating bundles. This option really gives you an edge over every other CMS.
6. SEO Friendly
WordPress is composed utilizing a standard consistency superb code and delivers semantic markup. In non-nerd terms, this makes Google and other web indexes love WordPress.This is the reason WordPress locales will in general position higher than others in hunt engines. By structure, WordPress is very SEO well disposed of out of the crate. You can likewise utilize WordPress SEO modules to further advance your site.