
Set up an author bio box under posts


Enhance your WordPress blog with a professional author bio box under each post. This service includes installation, customization, and integration of an author bio box with social media links, profile image, and custom styling. Perfect for boosting author credibility and engagement.

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An author bio box is an essential feature for any blog or website that features multiple authors. It provides a dedicated space below each post where the author’s details, profile picture, and social media links can be displayed. This enhances credibility, boosts engagement, and improves user experience.

With this service, we will set up and configure a professional-looking author bio box for your WordPress website. We ensure that it is visually appealing and matches the design of your theme. Whether you want a plugin-based or custom-coded solution, we will tailor it to your needs.

What’s included:

  • Installation and configuration of an author bio box plugin or a custom-coded solution
  • Integration of author details, including name, bio, profile image, and social links
  • Customization of the author box design to match your website’s branding
  • Testing and optimization for responsiveness on all devices
  • Guidance on updating author information in the future

Let us help you add a professional touch to your blog posts with a well-designed author bio box.

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