Your website’s health is relay on the Hosting Provider you choose, it is very important to choose a good web hosting for your website, but before continue you should know what need to consider before choosing a web hosting and what need to consider while choosing or switching the web hosting.
There are 3 basic things to consider while choosing a web hosting.
- Speed – The load time of web page.
- Uptime – at least 99.95%
- Support – We all need that so how support is?
I have been using WordPress so long and I have tested almost every web hosting. Based on my finding I have included few hosts for you that you can consider.
Disclosure: Buying hosting from the links below doesn’t give me any commission or benefits, also there is no guarantee of the performance you get, that depends on various things.
Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud is one of the best hosting solution I have ever seen, why Google? Well I can’t answer this but the speed, performance and security provided by Google is awesome, I don’t feel that it is so costly. It cost me about $10-$15 per month for a website getting more then 100K hits per month. It also offers you a Free Credit for trial.
You can easily setup Virtual Machines with Cloud Console and there are lots of distributions are there for your app, website or anything else.
Go to Google Cloud Plateform and Get $300 Free Credit
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
No doubt, AWS and one of the best in the industry you can do everything with it and It is also fast and secure like Google Cloud, AWS is best for an individual, small or large organizations and big companies, AWS is also having a Free Tier for trial you can use it before paying.
Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean Inc. is an American based cloud infrastructure provider company, it is based in New York, Digital Ocean is is very popular among developers their instances can be quickly deploy or destroy with wide range of distributions for Oprating Systems and Applications, we love digital ocean if you are just going to start your website / business this is best for you, their services are fast and reliable.
Anyways they are the top most Cloud Based Hosting provider, they also required some additional knowledge of server and Linux if you don’t you can get someone hire to do this for you or you can use traditional web hosting based on cPanel or some other Web Hosting Manager software, they are so easy but in comparison with Cloud they are behind so far. Have a look these hosting too, they are good and can be used easily.
Who don’t know about Godaddy? It is worlds most popular Domain and Hosting Provider with World Class support you can choose Godaddy with your Web Hosting Partner, they have good uptime and support.
Known for their great support, I personally used HostGator and it has really amazing Help and Support, If you are going for a cPanel Based hosting solution Host Gator is best to choose from.